What is kief? Kief is the crystals that form on the cannabis plant when it’s grown. This is what is known as trichomes, which are like tiny hairs. When you harvest the cannabis, you scrape off all of these trichomes, and that is what is referred to as kief. This is basically resin glands, but… Read more

What is kief?

Kief is the crystals that form on the cannabis plant when it’s grown. This is what is known as trichomes, which are like tiny hairs. When you harvest the cannabis, you scrape off all of these trichomes, and that is what is referred to as kief. This is basically resin glands, but the good thing about this is that the resin glands contain THC.

Since you can use kief to make hashish, it makes sense that kief would be readily available. But where do you get it? Well, you don’t really have to go anywhere, because there are tons of ways to make your own kief.

Where to buy Kief online?

As Keif can be a hassle to make, you can buy Keif online from mail order marijuana websites such as Chronic Store. You can get your Keif delivered anywhere in Canada with free shipping. Chronic Store has many types of Keif available weather you like different strains such as indica, sativa and hybrid cannabis.

Before we go into those methods, let’s talk about how to collect kief from regular weed. The best way to do this is by using a grinder. You can get these for about $20, but the cool thing about grinders is that they work for both weed and tobacco or spices.

If you already own a grinder, great! But if you don’t, here’s a quick run-down on what you need to know. Generally speaking, grinders come in three styles: manual (don’t do this unless you have a lot of time on your hands), electric (good for people who smoke a lot of weed; these are really efficient), and rotating or ‘top’ grinders (the best choice because they basically turn into a little machine).

Most folks will use an electric grinder because those things are always grinding and they’re able to catch much more kief than any other style of grinder can. The ‘top’ grinders work just like regular grinders except that they have a little trap door on the top where all of the kief falls into a little container. Once it fills up over time, you simply remove it and use it however you see fit.

How do you make Kief?

If you own an electric grinder, simply turn it on and when you notice that it’s full of kief and ready to go, take it apart and try to collect as much as possible in a bowl or even a plastic baggie (it’s easier to store that way). Keep doing this until you eventually run out of weed or decide enough is enough.

Manual grinders are different in that they take a lot longer to fill up with kief, but since they’re cheaper than electric models, I guess it evens out in the end. Simply fill up the grinder with your weed (or herbs), shake it around, and repeat until the kief starts to pile up on the bottom of the grinder. Just dump it out into a container and use it just like you would the kief that comes out of an electric model.

Manual grinders don’t really have a lot of power unless you have really strong arms; so if you have trouble using one, try putting some tape around its middle so it becomes a bit wider (this way it will be easier to hold). Alternatively, you could simply buy one that has a wider base but this will most likely cost more than $20.

In essence, those are all the options for collecting kief from weed. The next question is: how can I make my own kief? Here are some methods that can help you achieve this goal:

Tumble Dry Method – This method is great for concentrates if you don’t want to spend any money on equipment but still want to have some decent results. Basically what you do is take your freshly harvested cannabis buds (you can also use ground up weed if you prefer) and put them inside a plastic container with some screen holes on the bottom and then put it in the dryer part of your tumble dryer for about an hour or two at low heat. After this time has elapsed, simply open up the plastic bag or container and collect the kief on top where it fell through the holes in the bottom of the dryer onto the laundry below (don’t try smoking this laundry – it won’t make sense). You can then put this kief in either an electric grinder or another plastic bag if you used a manual one and do one more round in the dryer. The second round should yield less material than the first round because some of it should be ground up already so make sure to collect only the kief on top this time around. After doing this one more time, you should have plenty of kief for your needs!

This method is great if you don’t want to spend any money on equipment but still want to have some decent results. Basically what you do is take your freshly harvested cannabis buds (you can also use ground up weed if you prefer) and put them inside a plastic container with some screen holes on the bottom and then put it in the dryer part of your tumble dryer for about an hour or two at low heat. After this time has elapsed, simply open up the plastic bag or container and collect the kief on top where it fell through the holes in the bottom of the dryer onto the laundry below (don’t try smoking this laundry – it won’t make sense). You can then put this kief in either an electric grinder or another plastic bag if you used a manual one and do one more round in the dryer. The second round should yield less material than the first round because some of it should be ground up already so make sure to collect only the kief on top this time around. After doing this one more time, you should have plenty of kief for your needs! Butter Method – This method is great if you have access to a microwave oven, some butter/margarine, and some sort of container (plastic bags work well). Simply microwave your butter/margarine until it’s somewhat runny and then add your weed/ground-up weed. Mix everything together well until there are no clumps left and simply pour everything into whichever container(s) you decided on using earlier. Place whatever mixture was created into your freezer for at least an hour or until ice crystals start appearing on top of everything. Then simply remove everything from the freezer and let everything sit at room temperature for 5 minutes or until everything becomes solid again. At this point you can scrape off all of the crystals/kief from top onto another bowl or container for storage purposes or put everything back into whichever container(s) you used before and keep placing back into the freezer until crystals start appearing again at which point you repeat step 5 again above. Do this three times total for optimum results although only two times will generally suffice if you don’t want to wait too long or don’t want to consume too many calories from your butter/margarine!

This method is great if you have access to a microwave oven, some butter/margarine, and some sort of container (plastic bags work well). Simply microwave your butter/margarine until it’s somewhat runny and then add your weed/ground-up weed. Mix everything together well until there are no clumps left and simply pour everything into whichever container(s) you decided on using earlier. Place whatever mixture was created into your freezer for at least an hour or until ice crystals start appearing on top of everything. Then simply remove everything from the freezer and let everything sit at room temperature for 5 minutes or until everything becomes solid again. At this point you can scrape off all of the crystals/kief from top onto another bowl or container for storage purposes or put everything back into whichever container(s) you used before and keep placing back into the freezer until crystals start appearing again at which point you repeat step 5 again above. Do this three times total for optimum results although only two times will generally suffice if you don’t want to wait too long or don’t want to consume too many calories from your butter/margarine!

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